Nain Rouge 2018 T-Shirt by Lucy Cahill
A City Bird exclusive, and a favorite design from our popular line of t-shirts celebrating the La Marche du Nain Rouge, this t-shirt features a design by illustrator Lucy Cahill. Printed in a bright mix of colors on a heather gray shirt. Produced by City Bird and printed in Detroit on a US-made shirt.
La Marche du Nain Rouge is an annual local tradition featuring a colorful, Mardi Gras-style participatory parade, and other festivities. The legend of Le Nain Rouge goes something like this (from www.marchedunainrouge.com): “More than 300 years ago, around the same time the city of Detroit was founded, an evil was discovered in and around the city that has plagued the people and the city, and even wreaked havoc upon the founder of Detroit, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac. This ‘evil’ was said to have been a Nain Rouge, otherwise known as the ‘red dwarf of Detroit.’ This malevolent spirit cursed generations and brought ill tidings for many Detroiters. It wasn’t until La Marche du Nain Rouge, held the Saturday closest to the vernal (Spring) Equinox, did the people of Detroit come together to banish Le Nain Rouge.”